No “I” in Testimony

Six years ago a theology professor asked me if I could give my testimony (aka “salvation story”) without using the pronoun “I”. Though puzzled then, I now finally can. The short version is:

Christ lived the perfect life for me (i.e. kept the whole Law for me, obeyed the Father for me, etc.), suffered for me, died a sinner’s death for me, and rose from the dead for me.

~ by Barron on April 17, 2006.

3 Responses to “No “I” in Testimony”

  1. Interesting. Was the professor satisfied with the exchange of the word me for the word I?
    Whether or not, he was. It is true that Jesus purchased salvation for all of us.



  2. Shirley,
    Thank you for the response. My response is to say that the point of my professor’s challenge was to help me see that Christ (and not I) needs to be the subject of my testimony. Christ should be “driving the verbs”. For example, saying “I love Jesus” has me as the subject and Christ as the object, but “Jesus loves me” has Jesus as the subject and me as the object. These two sentences say very different things even though in some sense the “I” has been replaced by “me”. Since I have not contributed in any way to my salvation I need not be the subject of my testimony, but rather, the one who contributed everything to my salvation ought to be the subject.

    To your second point: “all of us”…absolutely! The content of my testimony is the Gospel, but change the “for me” to “for you” and tell everybody! In fact, my testimony is not the Gospel…the Gospel is the Gospel when it is FOR YOU! 🙂

  3. nice, Seth

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